Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Balance is a Process

One year or so ago in a cafe, Bak Chew, XT and I had this conversation about striking a balance in our lives. All of us had our different opinions...I can't remember the exact details but somehow we came to a conclusion that balance need not always have to be a 50-50 thing. It can be a 60-40 or even a 30-70 kind of balance, as long as the person is comfortable with it. Balance in that context is a destination or a goal that we seek to achieve.

Last night, I was listening to a phone interview between T. Harv Eker and Keith Cunningham and they talked about balance too. Balance, according to them, is a PROCESS. A process we all go through, juggling our various roles and responsibilities, and prioritising them in our lives. More important, there is no such thing as being PERFECT. In other words, no perfect balance; nothing's perfect in this world. Period.

All this while, I thought it would be nice to have balance in life and it's something that I am trying to move towards to. Suddenly, balance is no longer a "state" to arrive at...but rather, it's a "state of being" I am always at. No point in pursuing balance when life itself is already a balancing act!