It’s there.
When you are making a decision, responding or reacting to a situation, voices in your head that probably say something like this…
"Yea, that’s the way to go."
"Hold on, you sure you want to do this?"
"Is this the right move?"
"Hmm…something ain’t right…"
Devil’s advocate, true essence of who you are, Freudian’s theory of superego, the voice that can empower one, the gut feel, the sixth sense…whatever name it is called…it’s there.
An irrefutable truth is that you know the voice is right. Try to go against it and you feel a pang of guilt. Which give rise to hesitation…and possibly regret not heeding the voice.
Amid the buzz surrounding us, it’s easy to lose ‘sight’ of it. So don’t lose it.
Believe it's something that connects every one of us. Somehow deep down, we just know it...because sometimes the inner voice echoes the thought of the stranger just seated next to you.
This is what the Quakers call the Quiet Voice within us. It's not God. It's not our neurosis. It's the Quiet Voice that resides in all of us... And I don't think u need to be a Quaker to hear this voice because it's in us already. We just need to slow down and listen :)
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