I have the itineraries with me – 6D/7D/8D for 2 or 4 to travel. Places to visit include 拉萨 (capital of TAR), 羊八井 (geothermal belt of Tibet), 日喀则, 林芝...plus one can choose to arrive Tibet by plane or train. Not only one can customize the traveling route but we will also be skipping the middleman (which translates to cost-saving!) Good rite?
As for the best-time-to-visit-period, seems that people are suggesting different times – my fren here says Mar-Apr is good (one can get to see snow), the previous guide from my Tibet trip suggested May or Sept, another fren suggested July…*scratch head* anyways, I think one just needs to avoid Oct-Feb period.
So come lah, come visit the place and u will know why I am so smitten by it (click here to view pixs). Contact me directly or drop me an email if interested and I can help u link up :) help me pass the word around to your friends too – thanks thanks!