On a macro level, we need numbers to substantiate our stand, to prove our/its existence, to use as evidence…it is concrete, visible to everyone (and cold). And we feel safe with numbers.
Can we use numbers to deal with emotions? In my line of work, I seldom use numbers (despite coming from a pure Science stream and majoring in Mathematics). Most of the time, I use words…words to express emotions, visuals to convey the mood or framework of findings. At times, I wonder how I manage to switch my viewpoint from a see-what-and-know-what to a know-how-and-see-why perspective.
And perhaps I have been in the know-how-and-see-why mindset for too long that I am beginning to feel lost? Confused?
XY: How much do you like it?
nomad: Eh?
XY: In percentage…do you like it up to 80%? Or 70%?
nomad: Hmmm… (silently thinking if I can equate my emotions to percentage)
XY: Well, if you like 80% of it, dislike 20% of it...maybe you should consider magnifying the 80%, overpowering the 20% you dislike.
nomad: …right… (nodding to show that I understood what she meant, at the same time, digesting that piece of advice)…
Numbers help to simplify things (but of cos, instances of over-simplification happen too). In my case, it helps to put things into perspective.
Yes, the fog in my head is clearing a little…not totally cleared but at least I am feeling calmer with the figures in my head now.