Friday, October 12, 2007

Knocked out

It just hit me….just like that. For the past 2 nights, I couldn’t stay awake beyond 2am, and I almost couldn’t wake up early in the morning.

After months of having disrupted sleep or sleepless nights, and the recent work pile-up (okay, work didn’t really pile up but too many things happening at home; overwhelmed is how I would describe it), fatigue or Zhou-gong decided to pay me a visit. And I finally dreamt.

Lately, my attentiveness and my memory have been terrible. My fuse I notice is getting shorter, and my power naps are losing its power too! Not good.

BUT tonight, a Friday night, when most are out having fun, welcoming the weekend…while me as usual, staying in home, working…is finally gaining momentum! I am feeling the gear in me moving up a notch slowly. Slowww but it’s definitely up :)